Area Non-Profits Share Nearly $650K From Riverboat Foundation

Larchwood, Iowa — Twenty-six area non-profit organizations and government subdivisions received a combined total of almost $650,000 from the Lyon County Riverboat Foundation at a ceremony on Tuesday night at the Grand Falls Casino near Larchwood.

Foundation officials tell us the biggest grant was for nearly $97,000, and it went to the City of Little Rock to be used toward a new ambulance.

Another large grant was given to Lil’ Mustangs Child Care Center in George. They say the money will be used to help update the existing playground and turn it into an age-appropriate and safe playground. That grant was for nearly $88,000.

The City of Lester received the next-largest grant, for over $56,000 toward a safe pedestrian crossing. Holy Name Catholic Church in Rock Rapids received $50,500 toward renovating their roof, and Alvord Fire & Rescue received $50,000 toward ambulance and rescue equipment.

There were several smaller grants toward things such as a water truck for the Doon Fire Department, improvements at the Central Lyon FFA farm, the expansion of nursing simulation at Northwest Iowa Community College in Sheldon, upkeep of the Rock Rapids murals, library updates, and much more.

The Lyon County Riverboat Foundation is the nonprofit license holder for the Grand Falls Casino in Larchwood. State law mandates that a certain percentage of the casino’s gaming take has to go back to the community. The foundation gives half of that money to county government subdivisions and schools and the other half in competitive grants such as these.

Organization Project/Use Grant
LR EMS Ambulance $96,800
George Daycare Playground update $87,613
City of Lester Safe Pedestrian Crossing $56,156
Holy Name Catholic Church Roof Renovation $50,500
Alvord Fire & Rescue Ambulance & Rescue Equipment $50,000
St. Mary’s Catholic Church Parking Lot Renovation $43,550
Friends of CL FFA Farm Improvements $35,000
Rapids Theatre Preservation Society Tuck Pointing $27,788
Doon Fire Dept. Water Tender $25,000
Mid-Sioux RR Office Renovation $24,962
N.W. Iowa Community College Nursing Simulation Expansion $20,000
RR Mural Society Restoration & Painting $17,455
LR Town & Country Permanent Fencing-Baseball Field $16,747
City of Rock Rapids Fire Dept. Thermal Imagining $15,373
City of RR Airport Lounge Remodel $15,000
Give Foundation 7th Annual Charity $10,000
WL Library Additional Books $10,000
City of George Replace Community Room Dividers $9,000
Inwood Fire & Rescue NEPA Compliance Update $7,732
Hope Haven AED’S $7,226
Larchwood Fire Communication $6,695
Food Bank of Siouxland Lyon Co. Mobile Pantry $5,500
City of Inwood Sound System $5,000
WL Athletic Boosters Softball Parking with Safety $3,000
LR Library Automation Project $2,000
Sioux Falls Boys/Girls Clubs Playground Fencing $1,500
TOTAL $649,596
