August, 2020 Warmer & Drier Than August Last Year

Sheldon, Iowa — If you thought August, 2020 felt warmer and significantly drier than August of last year, you’re absolutely right.

The warmest temperature recorded in Sheldon during the month of August, 2020 was 93-degrees, which was recorded on August 25th. That’s some seven degrees warmer than the warmest reading in August a year ago, when the mercury only topped out at 86-degrees on August 21st, 2019. This year’s August average high temperature came in five degrees warmer than August, 2019, at 83-degrees compared to last year’s August average of 78.

The coolest temperature recorded in Sheldon this August was 46-degrees, which came back on August 3rd. In August a year ago, the coolest temperature was just one degree below this August, with a reading of 45 coming on August 30, 2019. Our average low in August of 2020 was 59-degrees, compared to an average low of 57 in August, 2019. We were however, two degrees above the normal August low temperature of 57.

Just 1.07-inches of rain fell into the KIWA rain gauge in August of 2020, trailing August, 2019 rainfall by just .78-inches. Year-to-date, however, finds Sheldon, at the end of August this year, sitting at 15.57-inches of precipitation, that’s 2.7-inches BELOW the normal year-to-date total.

Weather data for Sheldon is collected by Official National Weather Service Weather Observer Frank Luepke, and archived at the KIWA studios.

