Bicyclists – Ride Safely

Northwest Iowa — Summer is here, and that means that motorists are sharing the road with bicycle riders of all ages and experience levels.  

Sheldon Police Officer Todd Wood urges parents to teach your kids the rules of the road before they set out on two wheels.  Even if you’ve talked to them about it before, review for this season.

Officer Wood says the “rules of the road”, including traffic signs, apply to bicycles as well as motor vehicles.

Wood also has some advice for motorists.

He also urges drivers to keep their eyes on the road to avoid a catastrophe.

Officer Wood says the short version is: parents, teach your kids the rules of the road; cyclists ride carefully, watch for traffic, and obey all traffic laws; and motorists, keep your eyes on the road, expect bicycles to come from unexpected places, and allow them plenty of room on the road.  Motorists should also remember that bicycles, by virtue of their size, are much more diffcult to see than cars or trucks.




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