Bill Backer Says Hunter Education Class Infringes On Parental Rights

Des Moines, Iowa — The Iowa House has voted to remove a requirement that children between the ages of 12 and 15 complete a hunter safety course in order to hunt deer with a pistol or revolver. Republican Representative Matt Windschitl of Missouri Valley says this clarifies part of a 2017 gun rights law.

Under the bill, anyone under the age of 20 would be able to legally hunt deer with a handgun or pistol if they’re under the direct supervision of a parent or responsible adult who’s at least 21. Representative Art Staed of Cedar Rapids was among the Democrats who criticized the bill. Staed said it will cause more serious injuries and deaths.

House Democratic Leader Todd Prichard of Charles City unsuccessfully argued tweens and teenagers should complete a hunter safety course before being allowed to hunt with a pistol or handgun.

Representative Sharon Steckman, a Democrat from Mason City, says children need to take the course to learn how to properly handle and aim a gun.

Windschitl says requiring hunter safety courses for kids is an arbitrary restriction on parental rights.

Fifty-seven members of the House agreed and voted to send the bill to the Senate. Under CURRENT state law, Iowans between the ages of 12 and 15 may hunt without adult supervision, but they must have passed a hunter education course and paid for a hunting license.

