Blood Drive At Central Lyon Will Mark 2000th Donor

Rock Rapids, Iowa — The Community Blood Bank blood drive coming up on Wednesday at the Central Lyon High School will mark the 2000th blood donation made by family, friends, community members, faculty, and students at that site.

Ken Ver Steeg, the executive director of the Community Blood Bank tells us about the special occasion.

Ver Steeg says it’s always a good time to give blood. But he says with the upcoming cold and flu season, fewer people will be able to give blood.

He says there are other reasons that the fall is a good time to give a blood donation.

He says that by giving blood you are helping out your neighbors and friends, as all the blood stays in the local area.

He gives us some stipulations for giving blood.

He says that in 30 minutes, you could impact up to three people’s lives when you donate blood.

Community Blood Bank welcomes those that have donated multiple times, as well as those first-time donors to give blood at what they are calling “this very special event.” All those donating will receive a Culver’s custard “Pint for a Pint” certificate” as well.

Again the drive runs from 7:30 to 3:30 on Wednesday, but they will break for lunch from 11:00 to 12:30. For more information you can visit or call Community Blood Bank at 1-877-877-3070.

