Bloodmobile Headed Back To Sheldon Next Week

Sheldon, Iowa — The Community Blood Bank bloodmobile is coming back to Sheldon.

Community Blood Bank Executive Director Ken VerSteeg says that they will actually be holding two public blood drives in Sheldon next Wednesday, August 7th. He says they’ll start off early at Village Northwest Unlimited.

He says the blood supply has been critically low.

Donors must be at least 17 years old (16 years old with a signed parent consent form found at, weigh 110 lbs. or more and be in good general health the day of the donation. You are asked to bring an I.D. with you when you donate. Ver Steeg says if you’ve traveled outside the country in the last three years, they need you to bring a list of countries and cities that you visited.

They also recommend that you eat a meal and drink plenty of fluid prior to donating. Ver Steeg says if you’re well-hydrated, it helps the process and even helps them find a vein quicker.

For more information, you can call Sanford Sheldon or visit

