Boat Motor Reported Stolen; Deputies Seek Help

Hartley, Iowa — The O’Brien County Sheriff’s Office is looking for the public’s help. A boat motor has allegedly been stolen, and they’re trying to find out what happened to it and who may have taken it.

Deputies say the alleged burglary occurred to a machine shed at an acreage southeast of Hartley on the evening of August 4, 2017 into the early morning hours on August 5, 2017. The suspects are believed to have forcibly entered the building and removed the outboard motor from the boat it was mounted on. The O’Brien County Sheriff’s Office is encouraging anyone who has information related to this crime to contact their office. The O’Brien County
Crime Dusters program is offering a $400 reward to anyone who provides information on this crime that leads to the arrest and conviction of the offenders.

When you call the Sheriff’s Office at 712-957-3415, they’ll connect you with a deputy sheriff who will take your information. You can also provide information or tips on crimes by using the O’Brien County Sheriff’s Office website at Website users can click on the “Resources & Links” tab and then select “Crime Dusters” and a form will be opened in which you can submit information. Arrangements can also be made to assist people who want to remain anonymous but still be eligible for the reward.

