Call Before You Dig — It’s Safe Digging Month

Northwest Iowa — Since it’s spring, and we can once again dig in the ground, April is National Safe Digging Month – a time to remember to always call 811 before excavating or digging.

Every six minutes in the U.S., an underground utility line is damaged because someone started digging without first calling 811. MidAmerican Energy is the electric and gas company serving Sheldon and a number of other northwest Iowa communities. MidAmerican spokesperson Geoff Greenwood tells us it’s very important.

He says it’s very easy to ask for lines and pipes to be located.

Greenwood tells us that the person or entity doing the digging is the one who should call 811. If a contractor is doing digging on your property, you should make sure they have called 811 first. He says it’s a nationwide number, so it should work anywhere in the United States. It’s a free service.



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