Candidates For State Treasurer Debate

Statewide Iowa — The Republican candidate for state treasurer says if elected, he’ll be an advocate for more state tax cuts.

Republican Roby Smith of Davenport has served in the state senate for the past 12 years.

The Democratic incumbent says his responsibility as state treasurer is managing the state’s money and keeping it safe. Democrat Michael Fitzgerald has been state treasurer since 1983.

Smith is accusing Fitzgerald of mismanaging “College Savings Iowa” — a so-called five-29 program which lets parents and grandparents set aside money tax-free for a child’s education. Smith cites a recent report from an agency that rates investments like mutual funds.

Fitzgerald says Morningstar analysts misunderstood some of the investment options in College Savings Iowa.

The candidates made their comments during taping of “Iowa Press” which aired October seventh on Iowa PBS.



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