Candidates To Run For Party Nominations June 4; Find Sample Ballots Here

Northwest Iowa — There’s a primary election coming up in Iowa on June 4th.

Several names will be on Republican ballots in northwest Iowa, but fewer names will be on Democratic ballots. Many of those running for various positions are running unopposed for their party’s nominations, but there are some contests as well.

All northwest Iowa Democratic ballots will have Ryan Melton running unopposed for his party’s nomination for US Representative, District 4. Those ballots from areas that make up the 3rd State House District will also have Emma Bouza’s name as the only Democratic candidate running for the nomination for that position. No Democrats filed for any other position in the four northwesternmost Iowa counties.

All northwest Iowa Republican ballots will include the Randy Feenstra vs. Kevin Virgil Fourth District contest for the Republican nomination. Second District State Senator Jeff Taylor, Fifth District State Representative Zach Dieken, Fourth District State Representative Skyler Wheeler, and Third District State Representative Thomas Jeneary are all running unopposed for their party’s nominations.

In O’Brien County, there are three Board of Supervisor races that have more than one candidate seeking the Republican nomination. In District 1, it’s Timothy Overmire and Jim Thomas. In District 2, it’s Barbara Rohwer and John Steensma. In District 3, it’s Shanelle Matus and Nancy McDowell. Rohwer is giving up her County Auditor position, and Rhea Schmalen is running unopposed for that position.

In Osceola County, the only contested county race is for the nomination for the Fifth District Board of Supervisors chair. Ed Jones and Jeff Loring are the candidates.

In Sioux County, the contested county races are for the Board of Supervisors, District 1, and County Auditor. For the board position nomination, John Degen, Mark M Pottebaum, and Stanley Hoekstra are running. Joe E Van Tol is running against Ryan Dokter for the nomination to be the Republican County Auditor candidate.

There’s only one contested race at the county level in Lyon County. Sheriff Stewart Vander Stoep faces challenger Trooper Brian Hilt.

Remember to check your polling place if you’re going to be voting at the polls, as some of them have changed. For instance, the Sanborn Community Center is no longer a polling place. Those who used to vote there now vote at Yesterday’s Memories Truck Museum in Sanborn.

Find your polling place by clicking here, then view your sample ballot by clicking below:

O’Brien County

Osceola County

Sioux County

Lyon County


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