Sibley, Iowa — If you need a break from the flood-related stress or just the stress of everyday life, you are invited to join the Hawkeye Point Foundation for some fun at Hawkeye Point this Saturday, June 29th.
Mike Earll, the spokesman for the group tells us about “Reach The Peak.”
He tells us what’s planned.
According to Earll, there is no cost to attend.
He says the only cost is if you’re going to run in the 5K, there’s a $15 charge for the T-shirt, otherwise, everything else is free.
You are encouraged to tour the newly-repainted “Walk-Through Agricultural Museum” located in the old corncrib on the property, see the corn bin shelter house at the point, as well as visit the new additions to the antique machinery display area, view the native grass and flower plots, climb to the top of the observation deck, and check out information on other Osceola County points of interest located at the kiosk at the high point. HP Foundation members want to encourage you and your family to come and see some of the many improvements at Hawkeye Point.
Find more info on the poster below: