CFE Finishing Large Fertilizer Plant Near Alvord

Alvord, Iowa — One of the area’s larger farmers’ co-ops will be opening a large new fertilizer facility near Alvord and two other facilities in the area.

Rob Jacobs is CEO of the Cooperative Farmers Elevator company, or CFE — an agriculture co-op with 20 locations in northwest Iowa. He tells us about the Alvord 30,000-ton high-speed blending plant.

Jacobs says they will be consolidating their fertilizer operations from several towns into one.

He says the plant will serve customers in a 25 to 30-mile radius of Alvord.

He says logistically, the Alvord area seemed to be the best place to locate the hub plant.

According to Jacobs, they will keep their same employees, but may re-align some duties especially in the spring and fall and have some employees report to the Alvord fertilizer plant instead of where they usually work, but no one will lose his or her job.

Jacobs says the new equipment will give them more options too.

The new facility is about a half a mile northwest of Alvord at 210th Street and Eagle Avenue.

Jacobs says CFE has a couple of other projects in the works too.

He says the estimated price tag for the Ocheyedan mill is $25 million.

Fertilizer facility near Alvord looking southwest. (Other photo is Alvord facility looking southeast)



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