CFE To Build Multi-Million Dollar Soybean Facility At Bigelow

Bigelow, Minnesota — A five-point-five to six-million dollar soybean facility just north of our area could have implications for soybean growers in northwest Iowa.

Cooperative Farmers Elevator or CFE, headquartered in Ocheyedan and Rock Valley has announced they’re going to build a new soybean facility. CFE’s CEO, Rob Jacobs tells us about the planned facility.

He gives us an idea of what the project entails.

Jacobs tells us that the facility will have an impact on several of their northwest Iowa locations as well.

He says that while they do have a rail loading facility at Ashton that’s a big part of their operations, most soybeans grown in northwest Iowa stay pretty local. He says a lot of them end up at MNSP at Brewster or AGP in Sheldon, with some going to CHS in Fairmont, Minnesota.

Jacobs says they hope to use the facility for the fall harvest. He says bids are being let and contractors are being lined up. The only question mark is the weather, says Jacobs. He says they’re excited to get the project kicked off and excited about the opportunity to better serve their customers.

