City Of Rock Valley Enacts Mandatory Watering Restrictions

Rock Valley, Iowa — The City of Rock Valley is now under mandatory lawn watering restrictions.

Rock Valley officials say the restrictions apply to all properties, including those that utilize wells or sand points to water their lawns. Rock Valley’s watering restrictions do not apply to people who are watering gardens.

According to Rock Valley officials, there are special exceptions for commercial wells that are permitted by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources.

Officials say the lawn watering restrictions are necessary because of high water demands and the persistent drought conditions. They say Rock Valley does have an ample supply of water for public health and emergency purposes.

Rock Valley residents are being allowed to irrigate their lawns only according to the following schedule:
No watering will be permitted on Mondays.
If the last digit of your house number is an even number, you will be allowed to water your lawns on Sundays, and Wednesdays through Fridays between 8:00 pm and 8:00 am.
If the last digit of your house number is an odd number, you’ll be permitted to water your lawn on Tuesdays, and Thursdays through Sundays between the hours of 8:00 pm and 8:00 am.

Rock Valley city officials say they will strictly enforce violations of the water restrictions and fines will be assessed for violators.

For more information you’re asked to contact the City of Rock Valley at 712-476-5707, or email



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