City To Lease Aerial Ladder Truck While Replacement For Totaled Fire Department Rig Is Sought

Sheldon, Iowa — An update on the process of replacing the Fire Department’s old aerial truck took up a fair amount of time during Wednesday’s Sheldon City Council meeting.

The Council heard that the Fire Department is still doing its due diligence in finding an aerial ladder truck to replace the one that was severely damaged in a March accident. Council members were told that a new truck would take about a year to acquire and there have been difficulties in finding a quality used aerial truck.

While the City makes its way toward finding and securing a replacement aerial truck, the Council opted to lease a unit in the interim. The City’s insurer will pay the cost of the lease, up to a total of $100,000. The lease unit, a 2005 Pierce Dash 100-foot platform, has been offered for lease at a rate of $350 per day, plus a round-trip shipping charge from a fire truck dealer in Alabama, of $14,800. The Council authorized City Manager Sam Kooiker to attempt to negotiate with the truck’s owner for a more favorable lease rate, as well as to sign a lease agreement with the company provided the final lease costs don’t exceed the $100,000 maximum for a one-year lease.

In other action, the Council advanced to a second reading an ordinance that would amend sewer rates in the City effective July 1st. Following a public hearing, the Council approved a resolution to begin proceedings to take additional action on $1.1-million dollars in capitol loan notes for work in the Crossroads North area of the City.

They also approved Beer License renewals for both the Brue Haus and Dollar General, and approved the application of Ashley Schmidt as a Student Firefighter.




Larchwood Dairy Gets $100,000 Grant

Des Moines, Iowa — Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig has announced that 15 Iowa dairy projects have been awarded Choose Iowa Dairy Innovation Grants. And

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