Corn Planting Well Behind Last Year

planterNorthwest Iowa — Rain slowed planting progress early last week, providing just 3.1 suitable days for fieldwork, according to the United States Department of Agriculture National Agriculture Statistics Service.

Drier and warmer weather over the weekend did allow some producers into their fields to plant corn and oats.  Corn planting here in northwest Iowa was 5% complete, well below last year’s average of 36% complete for the same period.  Other fieldwork last week included fertilizer and anhydrous applications, tillage, and burning down cover crops.

Topsoil moisture in our area rated 0% very short, 1% short, 86% adequate, and 13% excess, according to the report.  Northwest Iowa subsoil moisture was rated 0% very short, 1% short, 87% adequate, and 12% surplus.

Statewide, 8% of the corn acreage has been planted, 9 days behind last year and 3 days behind the 5-year average. 69% of the State’s oat crop has been planted, over one week behind last year but just one day behind average. Oats emerged reached 26%. South central Iowa is the only area with less than half the oat crop planted.

Pasture condition improved to 74% good to excellent with pastures described as green and growing. Livestock conditions remain good and feedlots are improving.

For a look at this week’s complete Iowa Crop Progress & Condition Report CLICK HERE.



Larchwood Dairy Gets $100,000 Grant

Des Moines, Iowa — Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig has announced that 15 Iowa dairy projects have been awarded Choose Iowa Dairy Innovation Grants. And