Council Approves 5-Year Garbage Hauling Contract Extension

Sheldon, Iowa — De Kruif Disposal in Sheldon is poised to take over the residential garbage collection portion of Schwarz Sanitary’s business.

During Wednesday’s City Council meeting, the Council took up a De Kruif Disposal request to extend their current garbage hauling contract with the City for an additional 5-year term. City Manager Sam Kooiker explains.

De Kruif Disposal owner Mark Gurtler asked the Council about an exclusivity being included with the contract extension. Kooiker addressed the issue.

In other news from the City of Sheldon, Kooiker says there are some major projects happening in Sheldon this summer, including some street projects that began Thursday morning (May 4th).

Kooiker says once the milling is complete the roads will be cleaned, with the asphalt paving crew scheduled to begin work a little later this month.

