Council Approves New Ambulance, Sewer Rates, Subdivision Plat

Sheldon, Iowa — The Sheldon City Council met in regular session on Wednesday evening in the council chambers.

Among the items on the consent agenda were various financial reports and setting clean-up days to begin on September 19th. The consent agenda also included the submission of an application for an Iowa DOT airport funding grant, the implementation of new ambulance rates, and more. City Manager Sam Kooiker says the ambulance rate change is necessary due to the rising costs of service, the challenges of billing, and “the difficult realities of running a service with part-time/volunteer labor.”

No one submitted any comments for a public hearing for the Jinkinson 3rd Addition on East 9th Street. The council approved the preliminary and final plat. No one submitted any comments for the other public hearing dealing with a budget amendment, and this also passed.

The council waived the third reading for an ordinance amending sewer rates effective July 1st and approved the ordinance, which raises sewer rates by four percent to keep up with rising costs. They also passed to the 2nd reading an ordinance amending provisions pertaining to the fire department.

Council members also passed to the second reading an ordinance amending the airport commission chapter of the code of ordinances.

Public Works Director Todd Uhl gave an update on collection system improvements. He says this concerns the lift station projects on Thorman Avenue and at NCC. Uhl says material delays are causing delays in the completion of the projects. The main problem is getting the parts that interface with the SCADA system (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition). The council’s consensus was to not charge liquidated damages for the delay of the project since the parts are not available, but they reserved the right to charge liquidated damages should the situation change. Uhl says it is hoped the projects can be completed by September or October.

The council also approved a delay of two years to build or move in a dwelling at 711 11th Street. The garage on the property will be used only for storage until the dwelling can be built or moved in. They also approved a resolution approving a Minimum Assessment Agreement with Impressions Property, LLC.

It was also announced that there will be a meeting talking about the downtown reconstruction project on Tuesday, May 24th.


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