Sheldon, Iowa — The Sheldon City Council has approved entering into franchise agreements with MidAmerican Energy, the supplier of gas and electric service to the community.
The Council’s decision was unanimous after hearing comments for and against the franchises. During the public hearings, Marv Van Riesen accused the council of hiding some information from the public, in particular about the MidAmerican purchase of the Thermocel building, which the company plans to demolish. MidAmerican representative Mark Rienders countered with the comment that MidAmerican has approached the council about a franchise for several years and there has been no ‘secret handshake’ about the Thermocel building. He also assured those attending the meeting that if the franchises are approved the city cannot ‘sneak’ fees back into the agreement.
Carolyn Marshall did not speak for or against the franchises, but rather spent her time at the microphone criticizing the council for their ‘body language’ displayed while people were speaking. Fred Grein told the council he was very much in favor of the franchises, but was disappointed that the fees had been removed from the agreement.
Before voting, council members thanked the public for taking the opportunity to voice their opinions, and also gave recognition to the part MidAmerican has played in the community. Brad Hindt said the negotiations had ‘gone well’. Pete Hamill wondered how much Sheldon has ‘missed out’ by not having a franchise. He said that companies like to spend money with those with whom they have a business agreement. Tom Eggers said he was confident that this will be a great partnership for the betterment of the community. Shawn Broesder noted that a written agreement was necessary because a ‘hand-shake’ doesn’t mean much any more. And, Mayor Greg Geels complimented MidAmerican on their ‘excellent service.
In other business, the council heard a report from financial adviser Scott Stevenson, who has worked with the city for many years, with regard to bonding and indebtedness. Stevenson pointed out that Sheldon’s debt is at 65-percent of their debt limit. He called that a ‘very comfortable’ position to be in, since it allows room for new future projects. Stevenson also noted that the city has managed their debt very well, which is part of the reason the City has an A-Plus bond rating.
And, the council approved the hiring of Krysten Haan as Emergency Medical Technician/Paramedic Coordinator. She is expected to takeover that position on September 23rd.