Council Hears Emergency Ops Plan During Wednesday Meeting

Sheldon, Iowa — The Sheldon City Council met in regular session this week, in a meeting that had originally been scheduled for Wednesday, July 5th. The meeting was moved to this week, Wednesday, July 12th, due to the close proximity of Independence Day.

One of their agenda items, according to City Manager Sam Kooiker, was an update on the Emergency Operations Plan.

On the topic of updates, the City has been working for months on updating their somewhat antiquated Code of Ordinances. Kooiker says the Council received a progress report at Wednesday’s meeting.

He says once the updates are completed, a public hearing will be scheduled before the updates are passed into law.

Some of the Consent Agenda items passed during Wednesday’s meeting include: a Change Order and Pay Estimate for the Highway 18 and 24th Avenue Traffic Signal Project; a Change Order and Pay Estimate for the Lewis & Clark Connection Project; a Pay Estimate for the 2023 Street Patching Project; a Pay Estimate for the new eastern Sheldon water tower; and a Contract Approval for the Airport Fuel System Improvements, among other Consent Agenda items.

The next meeting of the Sheldon City Council will be their regular 3rd Wednesday of the month meeting, next Wednesday, July 19th, at 4:30 in Council Chambers at the Sheldon Community Services Center.

This week’s meeting of the Sheldon City Council can be viewed below………………


