COVID Restrictions Being Relaxed In Northwest Iowa Catholic Churches

Sioux City, Iowa — There’s good news for northwest Iowa Catholics. Many of the COVID restrictions that have been in place have been removed or modified.

Sioux City Diocese officials tell us they continue to recommend that all clergy, staff, and parishioners follow current public health recommendations. With the new CDC recommendations (released May 13) and consultation with the COVID-19 diocesan task force forming the guiding principles, Bishop Nickless is promulgating these liturgical protocols to be effective immediately.

Pastors may implement these protocols as soon as they are able with the understanding that the necessary preparations may take several weeks. Pastors also have the option to tighten restrictions only in consultation with the Office of the Bishop and local health authorities.

Bishop Nickless is currently drafting a decree to reinstate the obligation to attend Mass on June 5 and 6, 2021, the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ.

Facemasks are no longer required to be worn at liturgies, parish events, and in parish offices by those who have been fully vaccinated. Those who have not been fully vaccinated (age 2 and above) are strongly recommended to continue wearing a facemask at liturgies, parish events, and in parish offices.

The church will not need to be sanitized after daily mass and similar small liturgies, but weekend sanitization is to be practiced according to the needs and discretion of the local pastor and the churches and facilities in his care. Hand sanitizer will continute to be available.

The bishop says church capacity may return to 100%, without social distancing in the pews or the sanctuary. They strongly recommend that facemasks are worn by people who are not fully vaccinated.

Confessions may return to normal spacing within the church confessionals; screens within the confessionals are encouraged, and scheduled confession times may fully return.

Congregational singing may resume, including the various parts of the Mass; hymnals, missalettes, and worship aids may be resume being used; and choirs may return to normal sizes.

For more information, click here.



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