CWD Testing Underway With Archery Season

Statewide Iowa — The archery deer season is underway and DNR deer program leader Tyler Harms says while there are not as many deer taken — they still are looking for samples to help track a disease that is deadly to the animals.

(as said) “Chronic Wasting Disease or CWD is what it is referred to — is something that we’re continuing to test for on an annual basis. And we certainly do that statewide during the archery season,” Harms says.

He says hunters can play a key role in the monitoring program.

(as he says) “If they are willing to help us out with that effort in tracking where the disease is in the state, just submit a sample. And they can do that by contacting their local wildlife biologist,” Harms says.

There have been a total of 89 positive CWD tests in the wild deer population since testing began in 2013. A majority of the cases have been found in the northeast corner of the state.



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