Days of Thunder This Week At NCC

ncc thunderSheldon, Iowa — This week is “Days of Thunder” at Northwest Iowa Community College.  Days of Thunder is NCC’s version of Homecoming week, with activities all week long.

Days of Thunder begin in earnest Tuesday, when NCC hosts their annual Manufacturing Day event from 9:00 am – 12:30 pm.  This event is designed to promote and showcase the Manufacturing programs at NCC: Production Welding, Advanced Welding Technology, Engineering Design and Design Technology. This is an opportunity for students to observe, and be educated by area industries on what is being built and created right here in Northwest Iowa.

Local manufacturers partnering with NCC for Manufacturing Day include: Demco, booth; Rosenboom Machine and Tool, booth; Quatro Composites, booth; DenHartog Industries, booth; VT Industries, booth; Maintainer Corp. of Iowa, booth; Sudenga Industries/Diversified Technologies, booth; Groschopp, booth; Coilcraft, booth; Link Manufacturing, presenting; Mill Creek, presenting. This event is open to area high school and college students, the public is also welcome to attend.

Some other things you’ll find at NCC during Days of Thunder include a 3-on3 basketball tournament begins Wednesday at the LLRC, Family Movie Night is scheduled for Thursday, the ribbon cutting for the Applied Technology Building will be Friday morning.  The Days of Thunder Celebration wraps up with Saturday morning’s NCC/KIWA Thunder Road Race.

We’ll tell you more abut the Days of Thunder activities as this week progresses.




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