Details On New “Move Over” Law

Northwest Iowa — As you may be aware, a new Iowa “Move Over” law went into effect Sunday, July 1st, with some important changes included in the new law.

For several years, motorists in Iowa have been required to move over, if safe to do so, when passing an emergency vehicle, or utility vehicle parked on the side of the road with it’s flashing lights activated. Iowa State Patrol Trooper Vince Kurtz tells us about the new changes to Iowa’s “Move Over” law.

Trooper Kurtz says there are times when you don’t need to move over for a vehicle stopped on the side of the road.

Kurtz says something he’s been seeing lately are drivers who fail to signal when making a turn.

The Trooper says turn signal use is required for more than just turning corners.

Trooper Kurtz says the Iowa State Patrol is continuing in their efforts to reduce traffic fatalities in Iowa through education, and enforcement.



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