DiNardo To Lead U.S. Conference Of Catholic Bishops

Caardinal Daniel DiNardo
Caardinal Daniel DiNardo

Northwest Iowa — The man who led the Catholic Diocese of Sioux City, which includes all Catholic parishes in northwest Iowa, for nearly a decade has been elected by U.S. bishops to be the top Catholic leader in the country.

Cardinal Daniel DiNardo will be President of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops for three years.

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DiNardo was Bishop of the Sioux City Catholic Diocese from 1997 to 2006. He’s currently the leader of the Galveston-Houston, Texas, archdiocese.

Cardinal DiNardo is flying to Rome after the U.S. bishops conclude their meeting in Baltimore today (Thursday), but he hopes to meet with President-elect Donald Trump when he returns. DiNardo says when considering immigration policy and civil rights issues under a Trump Administration, he’ll stress the church’s call to “respect the human person in our midst.”

The U.S. bishops have also chosen DiNardo’s successor. It will be a Mexican-born Cardinal who became a U.S. citizen 21 years ago.



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