Dordt Considering Two-Year Programs

Sioux Center, Iowa — Dordt College is considering offering two-year programs for people looking for technical skills taught in a Christian College environment.
Dordt Clock Tower
Dordt’s Chief Administrative Officer, Howard Wilson tells us that such a program has been suggested to the college’s faculty and administration.

Wilson says that to the best of his knowledge a technical program of this sort at a Christian college could be a first.

He gives us an idea of where they are in the process. He tells us that Dr. Eric Hoekstra, Dordt’s President, asked him to be co-leader of a task group that would look at the opportunity.

He says they’re also initiating a research phase.

He says if they go ahead, they’d want to start two programs, one in agriculture and one in manufacturing technology. He says the response from the community has been great.

Wilson says they don’t see the programs as being in direct competition with community and technical colleges, but rather a way to fill a niche and serve the community while keeping the focus on Christ.

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