UPDATE: Do’s & Don’ts For Shooting Off Fireworks In Sheldon

Sheldon, Iowa — The Sheldon City Code of Ordinances is pretty specific about when, where and by whom consumer fireworks can be fired off in Sheldon, but apparently not everyone is paying attention.

As of Tuesday morning (June 25th) the Sheldon Police Department has received seven fireworks related complaint calls since June 20th. Officials say their first written warning of the season was issued Monday night, and it was for shooting off fireworks after hours.

Sheldon Police Chief Lyle Bolkema says the City Ordinance is quite specific about when you can shoot off your fireworks.

And, Bolkema says, you’re not allowed to shoot off fireworks just anywhere.

The Chief says in previous years, Sheldon police officers have been quite nice in not writing tickets for fireworks infractions. That, he says, is going to change this year.

Before you start shooting off fireworks in Sheldon this year you might want to review the City’s fireworks ordinance. You can find that by CLICKING HERE.


Original post 3:11 pm, 6/20/2019

Sheldon, Iowa — With Independence Day just a couple of weeks away, it’s become fireworks season in northwest Iowa. We’ve heard of some confusion about when, where and what types of consumer fireworks can be used in Sheldon.

According to the Sheldon City Code, the summer consumer fireworks season allows fireworks to be shot off from June 20th through July 5th, between noon and 10:00 pm. The exceptions to those hours are July 4th, when they may be shot off between noon and 11:00 pm.

You must be at least 18 years of age to legally shoot off fireworks in the City of Sheldon, unless you’re under the direct supervision of your parent or guardian. And fireworks may NOT be used by any person who is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

In addition, consumer fireworks may be shot off ONLY on the real property of the person shooting the fireworks, or on the property of another who has given their consent for the fireworks to be shot off on their property. Consumer fireworks may not be exploded on City property.

To see the complete Sheldon Fireworks City Ordinance, please CLICK HERE.

