Drug Dog Visits Hospers Elementary

Hospers Elementary Dog 4Hospers, Iowa — Students at Hospers Elementary School were recently treated to a Police Dog demonstration by Sioux County School Resource Officer, Deputy Waylon Pollema, along with K‐9 Deputy Tony Reitsma and his K‐9 partner, Neiko.

Deputy Reitsma explained his work as a K‐9 handler to the students, as well as how Neiko detects illegal drugs and human scent. As part of the demonstration Neiko found a marijuana scented towel that was hidden in one of three paint cans.

Deputy Pollema says the students were excited to meet Neiko, and that they also enjoyed seeing how he detected marijuana odor in the paint can.

Deputy Pollema said the students always ask to see the Sheriff’s Office K‐9s, and they really enjoyed the demonstration.

Hospers Elementary Dog 4


Hospers Elementary Dog 3


Hospers Elementary Dog 2


Hospers Elementary Dog 1

