Canton, South Dakota — The pest that’s been devastating the ash tree population in the United States is almost literally next door to our area.
The South Dakota Department of Agriculture has confirmed that an infestation of emerald ash borer (EAB) has been discovered near Canton, South Dakota, which is right across the Big Sioux River from Lyon County. In 2018, the first confirmed infestation in South Dakota was identified in Sioux Falls. Emerald ash borer is an invasive insect that has killed millions of ash trees in at least 32 states. Its presence was confirmed in Iowa ten years ago.
On May 1, 2020, South Dakota Ag Secretary Kim Vanneman expanded the area subject to EAB quarantine regulations that are currently in place. The current regulated area of Minnehaha County and a portion of Lincoln and Turner counties is expanded to include all of Lincoln and Turner Counties in order to slow the spread of the beetle.
The entire state of Iowa is under quarantine for firewood as well. The quarantine regulations restrict the movement of firewood and ash materials at all times.
On the other side of our coverage area, emerald ash borers have also been confirmed in Buena Vista County, which is also virtually next door.
For more information on emerald ash borer and suggestions for what you should do with your ash trees, contact your local county extension office or state department of agriculture.