Entire Bible Being Read At O’Brien County Courthouse

biblePrimghar, Iowa — Believers in O’Brien County are participating in a Bible Reading Marathon at the O’Brien County Courthouse in Primghar.

One of the people organizing the Bible Reading Marathon, Marge Dykstra of Sheldon, says that the marathon is in accordance with Governor Branstad’s April 26th proclamation.

Dykstra says they have scheduled people to read the entire bible from Genesis 1 through Revelation 22. She says the people are lined up by the churches of O’Brien County. Dykstra says they’ve been reading from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. since Tuesday morning, and it looks like they’ll be done sometime mid-day Friday. She says they switch groups of readers every half hour, and each group has about six readers. She says that works out to a total of somewhere around 480 readers. She tells us about their goal.

The O’Brien County Courthouse is at 155 South Hayes Avenue in Primghar.

Photo by freeimages.com/Christie Thomas



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