EPA Proposes RFS Set Rule; Ethanol Organization Reacts

Sioux Falls, SD — The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued proposed multi-year Renewable Volume Obligations for the 2023-2025 Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) compliance years.

The proposal also implements the remaining 250 million gallons in remanded volumes by the DC Circuit Court in 2017.

American Coalition for Ethanol CEO Brian Jennings says that the proposed rule is a critical opportunity for the EPA to leverage what he calls the benefits of increasing biofuel blending targets by getting the RFS back on track. Jennings says, “We’re pleased the Agency is taking steps in the right direction by setting conventional biofuel blending at 15 billion gallons or more for 2023 through 2025 on paper, in addition to including the 250 million gallons of supplemental volume to carry out the 2017 DC Circuit Court order.”

Jennings says that multi-year targets help provide clarity that the market needs to lean into what he calls “climate-benefiting transportation fuels such as ethanol.”

He says the EPA is long overdue to formally adopt the latest Greenhouse gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in Technologies model.

