Northwest Iowa — With the crop season all wrapped up for 2023, we decided to get a summary from an area expert.
Iowa State University Extension Crop Agronomist Leah Ten Napel tells us how the 2023 crop season wrapped up.
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She says the growing season didn’t start out so hot. Literally.
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Ten Napel says that modern hybrids are one of the reasons that we could have such a rocky growing season, yet still come out with pretty good yields.
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Ten Napel says moisture samples from the first of November show significantly more moisture in the moisture profile this fall than last fall. She says they take readings again in April and that will tell them how much there is to begin the 2024 crop year.
The extension service is also hosting the annual Crop Advantage seminar in Sheldon on January 3rd, starting with registration at 9:30 a.m. The price is $75 if you register before midnight on December 27, 2023. Otherwise it’s $100. Lunch is included. Click here for more information.