Farewell To Be Thursday For Sheldon Economic Development Director Curt Strouth

Sheldon, Iowa — Curt Strouth’s time at the Sheldon Chamber & Development Corporation — SCDC — is nearly finished. So the SCDC is going to have a farewell open house this Thursday.

They tell us the open house will be July 20th from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. on the third floor of the Sheldon Community Services Center.

Strouth says there are many people that he would like to thank for their investment and commitment to the SCDC during his tenure.

He says, “I have said many times that without great volunteer leadership, positive collaboration, and vision, our goals are only dreams. We have accomplished so much over the past 10 years and together we have put vision into action. I look forward to the opportunity to reflect on those accomplishments with many of you…”

SCDC board president Justin Jonas says the SCDC Board has hired Mark Brown to serve as an interim Economic Development Director, while they seek a permanent replacement. According to Jonas, Brown will help them select the next Economic Development Director. They are also in discussions about hiring a recruiter. He says they would also like the new development director to be in place to help the board hire the next chamber director to replace Ashley Nordahl, who also recently resigned.

