Farmers To Get USDA Safety-Net Payments

usda_logoNorthwest Iowa — Many northwest Iowa farmers that enrolled in either the Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC), or Price Loss Coverage (PLC) programs will receive safety-net payments due to market downturns during the 2015 crop year.

According to the USDA, they will be making more than $7-billion in payments under the ARC-County and PLC programs to assist participating producers, which will account for over 10 percent of USDA’s projected 2016 net farm income. These payments will help provide reassurance to America’s farm families, who are standing strong against low commodity prices compounded by unfavorable growing conditions, according to AG Secretary Tom Vilsack.  Vilsack says the USDA is standing strong behind farmers tapping in to every resource that they have to help.

Unlike the old direct payment program, which issued payments during both weak and strong market conditions, the 2014 Farm Bill authorized the ARC-PLC safety net to trigger and provide financial assistance only when decreases in revenues or crop prices, respectively, occur. The ARC and PLC programs primarily allow producers to continue to produce for the market by making payments on a percentage of historical base production, limiting the impact on production decisions.

For other program information including frequently asked questions, visit

