Fifty Area Projects Split About $100,000 In Mini Grants From Riverboat Foundation

Larchwood, Iowa — Fifty projects from around the tri-state area have won grants of up to $2000 from the Lyon County Riverboat Foundation in their annual mini-grant giveaway, held Tuesday night, April 20th at Grand Falls Casino and Golf Resort.

According to the foundation board’s president, Jerry Keizer the foundation received 89 applications and 50 of them were chosen at random to receive funding, for a total of about $100,000 in funding.

The projects are from many different communities both in and outside of Lyon County. Several are from Sioux Falls, there are some from southwest Minnesota, and some from other counties in northwest Iowa.

Most of the projects requested the full $2000, but some did not. Some of the projects closest to Sheldon included Northwest Iowa Community College for a project called “Nursing Assimilation;” the George Community Foundation for a project called “Large Print;” the George-Little Rock School District for softball supplies; the George-Little Rock Athletic Boosters for the GLR Huddle Program, which was an $1800 grant; George Kiwanis for playground equipment; the Sibley VFW Post 7373 for Kitchen Plumbing; the Hawkeye Point Foundation for signage; the Sibley Library for a Linear Imager; Bright Beginnings of Osceola County for Playground Shade; the 4-H Foundation of Osceola County for Summer Camps; the Osceola County Sheriff’s Office for Light Bars; and the Sibley McCallum Museum to replace gutters.

Several more projects were funded as well. The full list can be seen below.

The Lyon County Riverboat Foundation is the non-profit license holder for Grand Falls Casino & Golf Resort near Larchwood. As such it receives a certain portion of the casino’s take, which it gives out in grants to government subdivisions and to non-profit projects.

Organization Project LCRF $
Name Request
4-H Foundation of Osceola County, Inc Summer Camps 2000
Blue Dragon Foundation Installation of Sports Turf 2000
Bright Beginnings of Osceola County Playground Shade 2000
CASA Changing a Child’s Story 2000
Center of Hope Replacing Computers 2000
Chariots for Children Bike Build 2020 2000
City of Larchwood Splash Pad 2000
City of Lester Fire Hall Restoration 2000
City of Little Rock Update Winter Equipment 2000
Community Outreach New Carpet 2000
Dakotabilities Meaningful Day 2000
Family Visitation Center Security Vestibule 2000
Fellowship Village Em Mgt 2000
Friends of Doon Marketing Campaign 2000
George Community Foundation Large Print 2000
Girl Scouts Camps 1259
Glory House of SF Transportation 1000
GLR Athletic Boosters GLR Huddle Program 1800
GLR CSD Baseball. Softball Supplies 2000
GTA Upgrade HVAC 2000
Hawkeye Point Foundation Signage 2000
Holy Name Church Door Replacement 2000
Hope Haven RR Waiver Home 1008 2000
Inwood Fire and Rescue Helmet Lights 2000
Jefferson Wrestlers Wrestle Like a Mad Man 1981
Kiwanis George Playground Equipment 2000
Larchwood Baseball Cages 2000
Lifescape Ipads 1600
Lifescape Foundation Therapy Equipment 2000
Little Rock Township Shop Supplies 2000
LR Town and Country Fish Fryer Fundraiser 1935
Lutheran Social Services Group Activities 1800
LuVerne Area Chamber Fireworks for 4th July 2000
Lyon County Fair Assn. Hand Dryers 2000
Mccallum Museum Replace Gutters 2000
Multi-cultural Center SF Clothes for Youth 2000
Nobles County Historical Society Storing Nobles County Treasurers 2000
NCC Nursing Assimilation 2000
Orthopedic Institute Foundation Sports and Fitness Training 2000
Osceola County Sheriff Light Bars 2000
Project Morning Star Scholarships for 2nd Chance 2000
Project Youth, Inc. Building for Tomorrow 2000
Rock County Historical Society Office Equipment 2000
Rock Valley Gun Club Foundation Archery Range Improvements 2000
RR Chamber Office Equipment 2000
RRDC Marketing/Promotion 2000
Sibley Library Linear Imager 2000
Sioux Empire Character Counts Character Counts 2000
Sioux Falls Tennis Assn. Youth Summer Lessons/Equipment 2000
Tallgrass Recovery BBQ Fund Raiser 2000
Van Anne Fields VFW  (Rock Rapids) Restroom Update 2000
VFW Sibley Post 7373 Kitchen Plumbing 2000
