Fire Destroys Tractor, Hay Near Sibley

Sibley, Iowa — A tractor was destroyed in a fire on Thursday, June 9, 2016 near Sibley.
Sibley fire logo door
According to Sibley Assistant Fire Chief Dan Bechler, about 1:21 PM, the Sibley Fire Department was called to the report of tractor fire north of 210th Street and Polk Avenue, about a mile east and almost four south of Sibley.

The assistant chief says the fire department saw the tractor fully involved in flame and three or four acres of grass hay on fire as they approached the scene. He says three trucks responded to the call. They used water to fight the tractor fire and water and other tactics to put out the grass fire.

Bechler says there were no injuries reported.

He says the cause of the fire may have been chaff under the hood. He said the driver smelled smoke coming in from behind the dash.

Assistant Chief Bechler says the tractor was a total loss.

He says they used 1,300 gallons of water to fight the fire, and crews were on scene “for a good hour.”



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