Fireworks Displays Planned Around Northwest Iowa

Northwest Iowa — If your plans for the Independence Day weekend involve checking out a fireworks display as many people’s plans do, there are many professional fireworks displays to consider in northwest Iowa.

With the actual date of Independence Day falling on Sunday this year, some fireworks displays will be on their normal night, and others have been moved.

Starting on Friday night, July 2nd, Village Northwest Unlimited will present their annual fireworks show. This year, with the world coming out of COVID, the fireworks will originate from the Risefest grounds near Fareway and O’Brien County Implement on Country Club Road instead of the Village grounds.

Most of the other fireworks shows will be on Saturday, July 3rd, either by tradition or because of the fourth being on Sunday. They will include fireworks shows as part of the celebrations in Inwood and George. Melvin will also have fireworks on Saturday the 3rd at DeGraff County Park, sponsored by the Melvin 313 Club. And up in the Lakes area, there will be fireworks on the 3rd as usual over Big Spirit Lake. Also, according to the Spirit Lake Chamber, the Arnolds Park Amusement Park has a fireworks show EVERY Saturday night in the summer, including Saturday, July 3rd.

One fireworks display that we know of is actually scheduled for Sunday night, July 4th. As usual, there will be fireworks over West Lake Okoboji on Independence Day Night.

There’s one community of which we are aware that is doing fireworks on Monday night, July 5th, and that’s the community of Sioux Center. Those are said to be happening northeast of Rent-All in Sioux Center.

If you decide to shoot off some fireworks yourself, caution is always advised, but even more so this year, according to area fire chiefs. They remind you that even if your area had rain recently, the grass remains very dry. So not only are fireworks a risk of injury, this year, even more than normal, they are a risk of fire as well.



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