Five Easy Ways To Save Energy & Money

Mid-American-EnergyDes Moines, Iowa – This is Random Acts of Kindness Week, a time to remind people that even small acts of kindness and consideration, when added together, can make a big difference in the world.

Likewise, small changes in the way you use energy can have a big impact on the environment, according to MidAmerican Energy Company.  The urge their customers to commit random acts of energy savings this week. By making your homes, schools and workplaces more energy efficient, you’ll be contributing to a cleaner, healthier planet – an act of kindness that benefits all of us. Here are five easy ways you can make a difference, starting right now:

1. Lower your thermostat setting by one degree. For every degree below 68, you’ll reduce your energy use by approximately 5 percent over a 24-hour period.
2. Replace an incandescent light bulb with an LED bulb. It will use 80-85 percent less electricity and last up to 40 times longer.
3. Pull the plug on phantom load. Did you know some appliances and electronics continue to draw electricity as long as they’re plugged in – even after you turn them off? This wasted power is called phantom load, and according to the Consumer Electronics Association, it accounts for 4 to 7 percent of every home’s electricity usage. Take a look around your home, office or classroom and unplug any device you aren’t using right now – things like printers, DVD players, and that cell phone charger with no cell phone attached.
4. Let the sun shine in. Open curtains or shades on sunny winter days and let the warmth of the sun help heat your home.
5. Change the direction of your ceiling fan. Most fans have a switch that allows you to reverse the rotation of the blades. In winter, set the blades to rotate clockwise to create a gentle updraft that moves warm air from near the ceiling and distributes it evenly throughout the room.

For more ways to show you care about the environment and saving energy, visit



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