Fundraising Continues For Melvin Fire Station Addition

Melvin, Iowa — The community of Melvin is in need of more space in their fire station, and a building project is being planned.

Also, Melvin firefighters are raising money for the project. Melvin Fire Chief Brennan Raveling tells us their plans at this point.

Last fall, the firefighters tried raising some money by requesting farmers to donate corn or soybeans to the cause. Raveling tells us that went pretty well.

He says they also directed the funds raised at this year’s pancake breakfast to the construction project, and will do the same with the proceeds of this summer’s Firemen’s Cookout. He says the fundraising is going pretty well

He gives us a little insight to the timeline.

Raveling wants to give out some thank yous.

He says it’s great support from the small communities that they serve.

