Harassment Charge Dropped

Rock Rapids, Iowa — A Rock Valley man is no longer charged with harassment.
Lyon Courthouse SVA
Lyon County Magistrate Jenny Winterfield has dismissed a charge of harassment of public officers and employees against 53-year-old Michael Kats.

Deputies say the arrest stems from a three-hour search for Kats in April after he allegedly made a 911 call to the Lyon County Sheriff’s Department and sent multiple text messages to Lyon County Deputies. Court records indicate the texts were threats to harm his ex-wife.

Kats was charged with Harassment of a Public Officer, a Simple Misdemeanor, and was also originally charged with Threats of Terrorism, a Class C Felony.

Lyon County Attorney Shayne Mayer moved to dismiss the terrorism charge because of insufficient evidence in April. She moved to dismiss the harassment charge, saying it was “in the furtherance of justice.”

