Heroes Behind The Badges Blood Drive Winner Announced

Sheldon, Iowa — Yesterday (Monday, February 22nd) was the 14th Annual Heroes Behind the Badges Blood Drive in Sheldon.

Ken Ver Steeg, spokesman for the Community Blood Bank says that it’s a friendly competition between two teams of Sheldon emergency responders.

In addition to supplying blood for Sheldon, participants were able show their support for our local heroes, as well as those receiving treatment in the hospital.

The numbers are in, with a total of 36 pints being donated, the team of the Sheldon Police and SCAT are the winners again this year. They had 19 pints and the team of the Sheldon Fire Company and EMA received 17. As the winning team, the Traveling Trophy remains with the Sheldon Police and SCAT team.

The blood bank’s Ken Ver Steeg says that the 36 pints collected will help save up to 108 patients’ lives.

Ver Steeg says he wants to give a huge thank you to everyone who came out and donated.


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