Hinson Says Teleworking Leading To Unanswered Federal Calls

Washington, DC — Iowa Congresswoman Ashley Hinson says callers looking for federal benefits are being put on hold because federal employees are teleworking.

And Hinson says as the number of federal employees teleworking increased, these agencies haven’t reduced space accordingly.

The US Office of Personnel Management however, found the shift to telework saved 90 million dollars across federal government, and the departments themselves report productivity increases and higher job satisfaction through telework and hybrid workplaces.

On another issue, Hinson, a Republican from Marion, defends her support of amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act that prohibits the Defense Department from paying or reimbursing a service member for expenses related to abortions.

Hinson says military spending needs to be focused service members readiness and recruitment. The bill passed the House and now goes to the Senate.



Larchwood Dairy Gets $100,000 Grant

Des Moines, Iowa — Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig has announced that 15 Iowa dairy projects have been awarded Choose Iowa Dairy Innovation Grants. And

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