Hope Haven Will Hold Annual Benefit Auction On March 31st

Hull, Iowa — Hope Haven has been holding their Annual Benefit Auction for roughly 21 years.

Brenda Gisolf, Executive Assistant at Hope Haven, says this year they have over 450 items in the auction. She says the money they raise will go toward individuals with disabilities in our communities and around the world.

Scott Koedam, Associate Director of Development at Hope Haven, gives a few examples of what items they have this year. He says there are some equipment.

Koedam says there are some trips.

He says there are some meat bundles, some grain, grills, a smoker, Minnesota Twins tickets, and gift cards to restaurants in the area. Krystal Vander Pol, Marketing Manager at Hope Haven, says there is a little bit of everything for everyone.

Gisolf says they are also selling sponsorship at the auction.

Not only will there be an auction, Gisolf says, there will also be a food booth.

When asked if Hope Haven set any goal to reach with the auction, Koedam says the goal is to exceed what they made last year.

The Annual Benefit Auction will take place in Hull on Friday, March 31st, at Te Slaa Trucking, which is at the south junction of Highways 18 and 75. The doors will open at 4:30 p.m. and the auction will begin at 5:30 p.m. For more information or to see a catalog of the auction items with pictures and descriptions you can visit hopehaven.org.

