If City Council Approves, Sheldon Will Have A New SCDC Executive Director By Wednesday Evening

Sheldon, Iowa — If the Sheldon City Council approves, Sheldon will have a new SCDC Executive Director by Wednesday evening.

In a letter to the Sheldon City Council requesting the approval by the council of their candidate for the position, Sheldon Community Development Corporation (SCDC) President Justin Jonas tells them that Tania Herrera Gonzales has most recently worked for the Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce where she was the Program Manager. He writes, “In this role, she worked closely with member organizations to implement training and provide technical assistance to help drive business growth.”

City Manager Sam Kooiker tells us that because her duties include Community Development, ordinance requires council approval. 

Also at their meeting this Wednesday, if the Sheldon City Council approves the consent agenda, they will pay the bills, approve the minutes of the last couple of meetings, change the July meetings from the 3rd and 17th to the 10th and 24th; Renew a liquor license for Main Street 3 Theater; approve an amendment to KwikStar’s alcohol license, changing finance officers; Authorize a Region III application for the 2028 2nd Ave street project funding; approve a resolution authorizing Ag Deferments, approve a sewer line agreement, approve a couple of temporary sidewalk easements, authorize mini rod tractor pulls for June 1 and August 31, approve Lori Watson as a full-time paramedic, approve the North Hangar contract, approve a student SCAT applicant, and approve Keith Vaandrager’s re-appointment to the Sheldon Fire Company.

In new business, besides considering Herrera Gonzales as SCDC director, they will consider approving a new airport farm lease, starting with a public hearing.

The city council meeting is this Wednesday afternoon, March 6, 2024 at 4:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at the Sheldon Community Services Center.

Click here for the full agenda.
