Iowa Concern Line Staying Busy With Calls

Statewide Iowa — The Iowa State University Extension Concern Line has had no shortage of issues to address with its free service.

Coordinator Tammy Jacobs says things have stayed busy since the spring of 2019 flooding in western Iowa.

The number of callers each month varies from 500 to one-thousand. Jacobs says they can help callers with a variety of resources.

The latest issue in Iowa is avian influenza outbreaks. Jacobs says they haven’t received any calls from people who are stressed by that yet.

She says they are ready to help in those cases if they decide to call. Jacobs says you don’t have to be in the midst of a major disaster to use the service, as a lot of people just need someone to talk to about ongoing stresses.

There are several ways to talk to someone. You can use the traditional phone call to 1-800-447-1985.

Jacobs says one way anyone can help deal with the issues of the day is to stay informed about what is going on.

Jacobs says they encourage everyone to do that and if you feel you need some extra help, give them a call.



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