Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission to be involved in development of Dubuque’s soon-to-close greyhound race track

Des Moines, Iowa — Greyhound racing is scheduled to end in Dubuque next spring and Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission Administrator Brian Ohorilko says the commission will be involved in deciding what’s done with the Iowa Greyhound Park property.

The license for racing in Dubuque has been held by the Iowa Greyhound Association, representing kennel owners, but Ohorilko says the track’s property is owned by the City of Dubuque and leased by the Q Casino.

Ohorilko made his comments during taping of the “Iowa Press” program on Iowa PBS. The Dubuque Greyhound Park opened in June of 1985 and it was the first licensed dog racing track in Iowa. The greyhound track in Waterloo closed in 1994. The state’s other greyhound track was in Council Bluffs. It closed in 2015. The Iowa Greyhound Park in Dubuque is currently scheduled to hold an 18-day spring racing season and close in May. Once the Dubuque track closes, there will be just two greyhound racing facilities left in the U.S.

