Iowa’s Response Rate On The US Census Ranks #2 In Country

Statewide Iowa — (RI) — The U-S Census Bureau says Iowa is one of the very best states so far in terms of its response rate to this year’s big count.

Iowa’s response rate ranks number-two in the country, just a fraction behind Wisconsin and just ahead of Minnesota. The bureau says about 26-percent of Iowans have filled out their census forms, either online, by mail or phone, with 23-percent of Iowans responding online. The national average is 21-percent, five points behind Iowa. The states at the bottom of the list are Montana, West Virginia and Alaska, where only 11-percent have responded. The mailers started going out March 12th. Beginning in May, census takers will start knocking on doors of homes from which there’s been no response.

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Bountiful Year for Corn and Soybeans

Undated — The United States Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service, also known as NASS, has released its annual crop

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