Just One Positive COVID In Area In Past Week

Northwest Iowa — The four-county area of Lyon, Osceola, O’Brien and Sioux Counties report just ONE new positive COVID-19 test result this week, according to the Iowa Department of Public Health.

The one positive test was that of a Sioux County resident. Sioux County also reported one new positive last week, as well. Lyon County was down one case this past week, when one new positive was reported. Neither Lyon, nor Osceola or O’Brien Counties reported any new positives this week. For O’Brien and Osceola Counties that’s the second week in a row.

The picture of COVID-related deaths in the four-county area is a tad more convoluted this week, however. No additional deaths were reported in Sioux, O’Brien or Lyon Counties during the past seven days, however, Osceola County shows an additional three COVID-related fatalities. Last week, Osceola’s total was three fatalities LESS than the report had shown the week before, presumably due to an adjustment. Are the three additional deaths reported this week a case of the original three being adjusted back into the total? Probably, but there’s no way to know for sure. What we DO know, is that since the pandemic began, 189 of our friends and neighbors have lost their lives to COVID-related illnesses.



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