KIWA Wants To Give Away $1500 To An Area HS Senior

Sheldon, Iowa — KIWA Radio is offering a $1500 scholarship to an area high school senior.

KIWA officials say the intent of this scholarship is to encourage and support the continuation of music education and radio broadcasting. As such, KIWA encourages students who will be majoring in radio broadcasting, communication or journalism, musical education, and/or songwriting or music composition to apply.

KIWA General Manager Walt Pruiksma says the scholarship is not a needs-based scholarship. He says the applicant must attend a high school in O’Brien, Sioux, Lyon, or Osceola County, achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.5 in high school, be a high school senior in good standing, and major in in radio broadcasting, communication or journalism, musical education, and/or songwriting or music composition as a full-time college student.

Completed applications can be submited to KIWA Radio, 411 9th Street, Sheldon, Iowa, 51201, postmarked no later than April 2nd.

Recipients will be notified of their scholarship award by phone or email no later than May 10th. Scholarship money will be disbursed directly to the recipient’s college prior to the start of the second semester.

