KwikStar To Bring TWO New Convenience Stores To KIWA Listening Area

Northwest Iowa — A few weeks ago we told you about a new convenience store that will be coming to Sheldon. Now Wisconsin-based KwikStar says they’ll be bringing a second store to the area next year, as well.

Wade Dumont of KwikStar tells KIWA that, in addition to the store that will be built at the old Shopko location in Sheldon, his company will be opening a KwikStar convenience store in Sibley, as well.

Dumont says the company is still in the process of getting the paperwork completed with the City of Sibley and Osceola County, but he says they are acquiring a piece of property located directly across the street north of Jackrabbit Junction, at the northwest corner of the 170th Street and Highway 60 interchange.

He says the company plans to begin building their Sibley convenience store next summer.

As for the Sheldon store, Dumont tells KIWA that KwikStar hasn’t yet closed on the purchase of the Shopko location, but the company plans to begin work at that location in Mid-June, and plan to open the Sheldon store in October next year.

